Technocrats Who Believed in The Future of Computer and The Technologies
Known for delivering excellence in all aspects of our service and ensuring client satisfaction, we have built a reputation among our clients for the quality of service we provide to them.
Pecon's Growth Timeline
About our company
Established in 1984 by technocrats who believed in the future of computers and the technologies it supports, Pecon Software Limited, started as a data processing service provider in Siliguri. More than three decades later, we now have a firm hold in the market as a major provider of IT maintenance, FMS, and Call Centre Services.
Known for delivering excellence in all aspects of our service and ensuring client satisfaction, we have built a reputation among our clients for the quality of services we provide to them.
Making The Service Sector in IT a Lucrative One.
This will continue to drive the demand for IT maintenance services by businesses and even individuals, making the service sector in IT a lucrative one.
Our Service Pledge to you
Pecon has always believed in building outstanding experiences for our clients. It is our goal for our teams to work towards achieving high standards of quality, using ethical business practices. Our team continually carries out research on new technologies which improve resource efficiency and increase the quality of services we deliver. At the same time, our staff undergoes regular training to stay informed on the latest technologies and techniques in IT maintenance, FMS, and call centre services.
Support Given
Clients Rating
Total Manpower
The Future as We See it
Pecon has enjoyed steady organic growth over the years and we have continually evolved our business practices to stay at the edge of competition and bring value to the table for our clients. While many businesses are aiming for sophistication, Pecon sees the future as a simplification of technology to the extent that it is more viable and easily available for the masses.
This will continue to drive the demand for IT maintenance services by businesses and even individuals, making the service sector in IT a lucrative one.
Our OEM Partners and Association